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Joens & Joens

Trusted, Ethical, Thorough


For almost forty (40) years, our firm has been advocating for clients throughout California who are involved in wrongful death, personal injury, business, real estate, and insurance bad faith litigation.  The firm has a rich and deep history of providing both aggressive representation and wise counsel while always putting first the interests of those individuals and companies who trust us for advice.  We are committed to obtaining an optimal result for every client.

Trusted, Ethical, Thorough



Joens & Joens

A Professional Corporation
2201 Dupont Drive, Suite 820

Irvine, CA 92612 




Phone & Fax

Tel:  (949) 851-0866 
Fax:  (949) 851-1250 


Satellite Office

Seattle:  (206) 395-6042

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Copyright 2008 by Law Office of Timothy L. Joens, A Professional Corporation

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